Jun 6Liked by Sally Thomas

I think line 7 is addressed to the 'you' implied by 'your' - so not plural but second person. Still an interesting shift to the third person of the refrain

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That's probably right. And yes, I think the refrain really is just a refrain, the same in both stanzas, and not necessarily meant to finish a sentence --- but it is kind of dislocating in the first stanza. I read this over and over, trying to line things up in my mind, until I probably wasn't seeing anything clearly at all!

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My friend Marianne Wright reminds me that this is the song that Kate Winslet's Marianne Dashwood is singing in the Emma Thompson film version of Sense and Sensibility: https://youtu.be/MhI3lWxArCU?si=hfunYIAh0HWI9w79

It's been a long time since I saw that movie, I guess --- I wouldn't have remembered this at all. Thanks, Marianne, for bringing the connection to my attention!

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