Bent? What is bent? The “world”? Bent not straight? Bent as in …. What is the category of bent things? Bending over backwards God loves mortals?

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I think it is a word play on the horizon being "bent", the "bentness" of the world itself (broken and sinful), and the Holy Spirit "bending" over it in loving mercy.

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Ah, my favorite poet ever, one who very possibly saved my life. When I taught my course in his life and work, I had the students present readings of his poetry at the end of the term. So they had to learn how to _hear_ it, and it made such a difference in their understanding and appreciation of it. Thanks for your discussion.

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“bent but good”?

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There is still the "deepest freshness"; the sun still rises -- the world is bent, but still is it God's creation with much good in it.

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There seems to be a desire within people for a sense of unity. Some try via force of views or arms, others through rules and regulations, our poet today used God as a source of unity for life and man, including woman. That is a poetic gesture of the highest and takes us on wings to the sky.

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Jun 10Liked by Sally Thomas

I do prefer poem first! I can see what you’re talking about if I read it

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